Inside the crazy, insane 'whackjob world' of FOXNews.

this is their latest headline. No Shit!
POLITICS 21 hrs ago

Gregg Jarrett: Did the FBI and the Justice Department, plot to clear Hillary Clinton, bring down Trump?

This, after James Comey, nearly single-handedly, (the Russians DID help) torpedoed the Clinton campaign in the final days, with his comments about her emails.
Now, however, the clowns at Bullshit Mountain are working feverishly, though totally UNLOGICALLY, to undermine the FBI and all the US intel agencies, in advance of their findings concerning Trump and the Russians. They've already uncovered dozens of meetings and e,-mails (previously denied, until shown to be factual) with The Orange Clown's inner circle.
But this latest attempt by the clowns at FOX is just plain laughable.....


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