Remember when the Orange Clown denied the sexual allegations

of 18 women and said he was gonna SUE them?
It was about the same time he said he'd NEVER settle the lawsuit against him, and Trump University (a total fraud). The same asshole that's been in THOUSANDS of lawsuits isn't touching these. He just LIES about them cuz the sheep don't care.
Yup, it's the same guy who claims ZERO contact with Russia, while his sons claim they were his MAIN source of income after his financing in the US 'dried up'.
I could go on and on with his top ten, fifty, hundred or three hundred lies, but who cares?
Most of us know all about his LIES and can't stand him, while his Bible Belt, gullible, clueless, FOXSwallowing base doesn't give a shit, SO WHY BOTHER?


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