Much like synchronized swimmers are all on the exact same beat

the clowns of Bullshit Mountain, from head cheerleader/total douchebag Sean Hannity are all preaching the SAME talking point, handed down  'from on high', by the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party.
That message is, Stop the Trump Collusion Investigation!
There is a continual and pervasive msg from the clowns in charge and that msg is that Mueller, the FBI and ALL the intel agencies are crooked and 'on the take', BUT, pure truth comes from the Liar in Chief.
OMG! Only at FOXNews, which the vain, arrogant Orange Clown spends HOURS watching every day, could such a fairy tale be preached, and SWALLOWED by the clueless sheep. Nothing new here, but sickening just the same. They DO have a problem, though, cuz not all of Americas is as gullible as the Repubub, Bible Belt/FOXCrap base, who believe two of ALL the animals on earth, with food, could fit on a boat an old man could build, AND, Dotard Drumpf tells the truth.
Which is the hardest to swallow?

But while Fox may be able to convince its viewers to ignore Mueller, it won't be so easy to get those outside the Fox bubble to get on board. A recent Washington Post-ABC poll found that 58% of Americans approve of Mueller's handling of this investigation -- with only 28% disapproving.
And that's BEFORE the facts and evidence of Mueller's investigation see the light of day. 
Bottom line, be patient. There is hope for our country, in spite of the clowns who make up the audience of FOX-PARP.


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