Concerning Dotard's ignorance,

Trump's blind spot on Russia is, in a word, terrifying.
Trump simply does not believe the unanimous conclusion of the US intelligence community: That Russia purposely sought to interfere in the 2016 election to help his candidacy and hurt the bid of Hillary Clinton.
Trump's refusal to acknowledge that fact is, according to sources in the Post story, entirely attributable to the fact that he believes doing so would somehow invalidate or weaken his victory and his presidency.
    "The result is without obvious parallel in US history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president -- and his refusal to accept what many in his administration regard as objective reality -- have impaired the government's response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government."
    "It's not a Republican thing or Democratic thing — it really is an American thing," former FBI Director James Comey said of the Russia threat in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in June. And they will be back."
    Thanks again, Dotard. 
    Any of you rightwingnuts(R) ever wonder WHY they (Russia) wanted the Orange Clown to win?
    Didn't think so.....


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