I just finished a book by James Lee Burke;

about crooked politics in Louisiana, where politicians decide Super Fund sites, and award YUUUUGE no-bid contracts to their cronies, sorta like the no-bid contracts handed out by The Dick Cheney during the Iraq War, based on LIES. This govt slush fund holds Tens of Billions of 'Free Money' to the politicians who have access to it. The Super Fund is one of the largest Pork Barrels, with no one to answer to, as the politicos feed at the trough.
If I hadn't just read about it, I probably wouldn't have noticed the article this morning about Scott Pruitt, the Orange Clown's totally unqualified EPA head, whose council he appointed, most with ZERO qualifications, but with YUUUUGE political connections, revamped the Super Fund sites. Pritt's cronies rushed it through with NEW priorities and contracts, but left almost ZERO in the form of a paper trail as to who gets what and why. We're talking BILLIONS handed out with no one to answer to.
WASHINGTON» The Environmental Protection Agency says an internal task force appointed to revamp how the nation’s most polluted sites are cleaned up generated no record of its deliberations.
Administrator Scott Pruitt in May announced the creation of a Superfund Task Force that he said would reprioritize and streamline procedures for remediating more than 1,300 sites. Pruitt appointed a political supporter from his home state with no experience in pollution cleanups to lead the group.
Now, nearly six months after the release of the report, a lawyer for the EPA has written PEER to say that the task force had no agenda for its meetings, kept no minutes and used no reference materials.
Further, there were no written criteria for selecting the 107 EPA employees the agency says served on the task force or background materials distributed to them during the deliberative process for creating the recommendations. According to EPA, the task force also created no work product other than its final report.

Superfund Task Force left behind little paper trail


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