Frank Luntz, who I used to think was a legitimate public opinion poller,

before I found out he's just a shill for the GOP, had a panel of Repub, Alabama voters on his panel yesterday, and it was really eye-opening, for those(R) whose eyes weren't already wide open.
Over 90% of the voters didn't believe the accusations from the MANY young (at the time) girls who were stalked and approached by the 30 some year old when they were young teens.
When asked about the TWO different high school log entries AND the testimony of mall security and police from the time in question, they all said it was FAKE NEWS, and asked for REAL proof.
WTF? Over a dozen accusers? Written proof and testimony from law enforcement?
And you wonder how we got a prez like the Orange Clown?
Thanks a bunch, clueless, Bible Belt Evangelicals(R)......


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