After finally recovering from the 'steaming pile' left by Repub leadership,

California is now VERY fiscally sound and has the highest property values around, cuz people WANT to live there.
The Pubs and FOX, one and the same, can't stand it, and take every opportunity to tear them down with lies. Just like they do with the FBI, as the Feds get closer to an indictment of the LYING SOB in the White House.
Remember when Pubs/FOX were FOR the FBI and AGAINST Russia?

KERRY JACKSON: California doomed by ruling class of liberal kooks

FOX:Why is the media obsessed with Stormy Daniels?

Here, sheep, let me guess.
Big boobed porn star who boinked the prez, then he lied about it after his lawyer paid her $130,000? Could that be part of it, dumbshits....


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