SOOO, now that Russia expelled US diplomats,

after the US booted Russian diplomats, will Dotard FINALLY enforce the sanctions that Congress voted for, almost unanimously?
OF COURSE NOT, cuz Putin has him 'by the balls', AND, the Orange Clown's not gonna 'bite the hand that installed him'.
Bullshit walks and money talks, SOOO, as always 'follow the money' whenever Dotard is involved.
Who can't see what's SO obvious? We're talking BILLIONS of dollars!
Oh yeah, the FOXTards, with their heads deeply and firmly implanted.
Never mind.

BUT, don't forget about Hillary's emails, AND, she fell down....SOOOO, she's WORSE, in Bizarro world(R), where a triple digit IQ disqualifies you, from The Club(R).


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