Sean Penn has spent years, and millions of dollars, helping

the people of Haiti after their disastrous earthquake, and didn't like it when Dotard lumped them in with other 'shithole countries'.
Bullshit Mountain thinks Penn is the Bad Guy, and trashed him for his 'disrespect' toward the Liar in Chief.

Actor Sean Penn blasted President Donald Trump in a Time Magazine op-ed late Friday, calling him an "enemy of mankind" and "enemy of the state."
Penn, known for his roles as Jeff Spicoli in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and as the titular character in "Milk," expressed outrage at Trump's reported admonishment of third world countries.
He criticized Trump for singling out Haiti, which was rocked by a massive earthquake in 2010.
Penn said he can still smell the "blood and death" that greeted him when he touched down in the island nation during relief efforts and said Trump's words about the nation were "disgraceful."
FOX claimed Penn was 'on drugs', cuz he admitted to taking Ambien, to help sleep, many hours before.
He admitted that he had taken Ambien prior to arriving at the show.
“I’m doing well," Penn started. "You’ve inherited a little of the Ambien I had to take to get to sleep after a red-eye last night."
Colbert then asked the actor if he was still on the drug during the interview, to which Penn replied,  “A little bit." OMG! Arrest him!


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