With the Trump-created, constant SHITSTORM that we live in

does anyone else remember that we were supposed to get the FACTS of the JFK assassination, BUT, Dotard said he needed a little more time (after FIFTY years?) to release the 'redacted/good stuff?
Trump delays release of hundreds of JFK files 
Ya think it's cuz the Pubs are in power now and they REALLY didn't want to end the Viet Nam war, that Kennedy promised to end?
Could be, but the Liar in Chief, decided, on his own' to override the FIfty Year Rule, that wais we would FINALLY find out what happened that day in Dallas, where the A-holes in charge of the investigation told us about the single assassin, single bullet theory, that EVERYONE who was there said was BULLSHIT, and a patriotic Jack Ruby (with mob ties) shot Oswald dead, before he could talk, and then Ruby 'died of natural causes', in jail, soon after. (continued below)

If you believe this CRAP, you are obviously a gullible sheep(R), who listens to and believes FOXNews and struggles to understand the directions on how to open a box of cereal.
Yup, fifty years came and went, Dotard buried the news, and has caused such a continual shit storm that the JFK facts just got buried.
Same old crap, different day......
BTW, this was the same era when Martin Luther King was shot and killed, and Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed after carrying on his brother's message of 'get us out of Southeast Asia' which got him shot and killed, while my generation was sent to be shot and killed as canon fodder in the bullshit war in Viet Nam.
And you wonder WHY I can't stand them(R), to this day?
Oh yeah, there was also Iraq......


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