Just to keep it SIMPLE, so even the rightwingnuts can understand

The Liar in Chief's lawyer ADMITS he paid Stormy $130,000, but says he didn't tell Dotard.
Oh Really?
BUT, even if DID or DIDN'T tell the Orange Clown about the payment (HA!), it's ILLEGAL, either way.
Just different charges.
I'd LOVE to see those clowns 'under oath' try to explain the transaction, with the threat of prison in the background'.
IT COULD HAPPEN, and should....
The amount and types of LIES coming from these a-holes(R) is unbelievable, BUT, the jerks(R) who elected them have NO PROBLEM with the Liars(R).
Anyone surprised?
These are FOXNews sheep, RAISED on LIES, what's a few hundred, or thousand, MORE?


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