Saw a Jimmy Carter interview today,

and he's an excellent example of what a Christian is and should be, BUT, cuz the Liar in Chief has (R) after his name, his hypocritical minions swallow his crap and dis Carter, after a lifetime of Christian service, cuz he has (D) in his title.
Carter said something I posted here a couple days ago about John Bolton. We both agree that of ALL the bonehead, dumbshit moves that Dotard has made, appointing that jerk as Natl Sec Adv was the WORST. AND, we now have the neocon, Iraq war instigator, Mike Pompeo as Sec of State.
Yup, the a-hole that advocates pre-emptive strikes on N Korea and Iran now has the ear of a prez who doesn't have a clue, and Pompeo will probably back him up.
Sleep well....


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