Remember the sky high oil prices?

When Cheney and other Big Oil neocons attacked the oil basket of the world and raised the price of oil ten-fold, driving their oil related companies profits 'off the chart'.
Well, John Bolton is from that same crowd, and he too wants to attack the Mid East, (Iran), which will send oil prices up, YUUUUGELY.
Yup, we've seen how these jerks(R) work, before, as 'defense(?)' contractors and Big Oil make a killing, while we 'end users' pay more for virtually everything.
There's a reason negotiators from all over the world worked for years, and finally got a deal with Iran.
Now, Dotard and crew want to 'trash' the agreement, like they have with TPP and are trying to do with NAFTA.
If you were a foreign power would you negotiate with a country that can be run by an unqualified, arrogant a-hole like Dotard, who will tear up any agreement when it feels like it?
I wouldn't either, BUT, the rightwingnuts wanna pretend the jerk who always deals with failure by declaring bankruptcy is capable of diplomacy on the world stage.
RU kidding? Who is that ignorant?
Oh yeah, the FOX sheep, who graze on Bullshit Mountain.
Never mind.


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