John Boehner laments the end of the Republican party

 The party has become inhospitable to the likes of Kasich, Boehner, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., former Pennsylvania Gov. and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (who happened to be pro-choice), the Bush family, former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, and a slew of state and federal office holders who defended the rule of law, free markets, robust legal immigration, public civility, education reform and principled international leadership. They were not on the far right edge of the party, but they operated comfortably within the party, which did not give its nomination to right-wing nativists until 2016.

Supporting such officeholders were lively think tanks, conservative magazines and respected academics who represented a cross-section of views, not scientific and economic illiteracy or racial intolerance. They’ve now been largely drowned out by the likes of Breitbart, Fox News’ prime-time hosts, crackpot advocacy groups and grossly hypocritical evangelical leaders who applaud the president’s cruel policies and ignore his lies, affairs and bigotry.


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