Let's just imagine you were accused

of something you KNEW you didn't do.
Possible, right?
Would you FIGHT getting the truth out, threatening all the agencies involved (just doing their jobs),  fire and humiliate the people in charge, hire an ARMY of lawyers and use every legal ploy IMAGINABLE to avoid testifying, ESP 'under oath'....
OR, would you say, 'Let's get the info 'out there', let me testify, 'under oath', and let's get this over with'.
What would YOU do, if you were innocent?
You, and I, would do JUST THE OPPOSITE, of what the GUILTY, LYING jerk(R) in the White House is doing.
Cuz, remember I said, 'IF you knew were innocent', which has 'nothing to do' with the Liar in Chief who was installed in the White House with the help of FOX-PARP, the clueless sheep, James Comey, Pussy Grabber-supporting Evangelicals and ESPECIALLY the Russians.
The guilty SOB will do everything possible to keep from testifying under oath, cuz he, and his ARMY of lawyers know he's screwed IF he tells the truth and he's screwed WHEN he lies.
Even the clueless, head up their ass sheep KNOW this, but just won't admit it.
Isn't it great having Pubs in charge again?
And the shooting hasn't even started in Iran, YET.....


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