SCOTUS latest decision against gay people

continues the rightwingnut/Christian myth that being gay is a 'choice', SOOO, 'if you choose to be gay, my religion says I can choose not to serve you', sorta like 'if you choose to be black, you gotta sit in the back of the bus'.
Same bias/racism, same bullshit, same warped thinking that keeps all the Evangelicals/Repubs on the same page.
Remember when you had to choose?
Yup, am I gonna be black or white?
Ridiculous right?
No more ridiculous than remembering when you had to CHOOSE whether you were gonna be straight or gay.
But try to explain that to someone whose head is SO FAR up their ass they believe Donald Trump is 'presidential', and you can 'pray away the gay'.
Total insanity, as the LYING Pussy Grabber gets the 'Christian' vote and Christians think gays are 'demon possessed', in their superstitious, myth believing little world, where an old man and his family built a boat that held ALL the animals on earth, with food, and the first two humans on earth got kicked out of the garden, cuz of a talking snake, and then joined a neighboring tribe.
And these people vote, SOOO, we get Dotard as president and prejudice against gays 'who were BORN that way'.
Unbelievable, but SO Republican....
Whenever I begin to think, Hey, maybe 'they' could be right.... I think about their gay views and realize 'they' don't have a clue, in their sick little homophobic(R) world, that would elect someone like the Liar in Chief, as president of the United States, who now embarrasses us in front of the entire world.
Can you say 'skunk at the party' or 'turd in the punchbowl' as the G7 members meet this week?


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