As I watch the Rockies in San Diego,

I see how an 'official' can change the game. The ump 'expanded' the strike zone, by about a foot, for the home team and screwed the visitors, just like happened to me in high school. As a Class A team, that played Class B teams, (Holdrege, Minden, Lexington),  I saw how the 'homer' officials could take over a game. Every time, I (and Tom Heller) were 'whisteled out', by the zebras who taught classes during the week, but were 'officials' on Friday night. I couldn't block a shot or turn around, without a 'foul' being called. Taught me a valuable life lesson. Those in power, make the rules. I barely survived Viet Nam, and had friends who didn't, cuz of that rule. Some things never change, as GW and his buddy, 'The Dick', got their war in Iraq, with the same consequences as Viet Nam. Big Money for the Pubs, (and their 'defense contractor' buddies) and a disaster for the rest of the country. Some things never change, BUT. I've learned to recognize what's going on. Follow the money, (like the Repub Supreme Court) OR, look at what the 'homer' officials have to gain, as they cheat and lie, for their agenda. Am glad I learned the lesson early, although it hurt at the time....


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