It never ceases to amaze me,

how the FOXHoles can deny science when it suits their agenda. Wwhy believe 97% of climatologists when you can find 3%, paid by Big Oil, who disagree?  BUT, when they find a 'scientist' who agrees with them, even when his findings are controversial, not supported by his peer group, and based on a ridiculously small sample, they climb on the bandwagon, support that scientist as an 'X-spurt', and say, 'We told you so!' I'm referring to the study of 20 cannabis smokers, of different ages, backgrounds and amounts of toking, that 'Proved' to the Bullshit Mountain crowd that marijuana 'changes' the brain, although many, much larger studies say that the findings were deeply flawed. Not gonna get into whether pot is safe/good/bad, but only pointing out the ongoing hypocrisy of the FOXNews clowns when it comes to 'SCIENCE!'


Anonymous said…
Change in the brain is the reason for drugs. Duh.

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