USA Today, not exactly a Lib publication,

has a great article on Climate Change, today.
For far too long, our national debate about climate change has been about "yes or no:" Is human-caused climate change real? That debate should now end. Based on well-established evidence, about 97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening. If 97 of 100 doctors told you that your child's health was at serious risk without surgery, how long would you wait for the other three to get on board?
 Is 97 out of 100 ACTUAL Climatologists enough for FOX change their position? Hell NO! They support the rogue who's financed by big money manufacturing, and the sheep swallow the swill. Nothing new here, but thought that I'd point out that scientific opinion has risen from 95% to 97%, but the sheep still get their science from Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Hannity. Sickening, but so typical, for the anti-science crowd that has no problem believing that Noah put 2 of EVERY animal on earth, who happened to be within walking distance, with food, on his boat for 40 days. Wow....


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