As Colorado wrestles with Cannabis rules,

(in my humble opinion), the laws dealing with 'edibles' need to address the fact that there shouldn't be "TEN doses" in one cookie, soda or candy. It's way too easy to 'overdose' accidentally, cuz it takes over an hour for most edibles to act, and some people get tired of waiting and eat more, and when the THC hits, it's too much for many users. Like all major changes, the new laws aren't gonna be quick or easy, but Colorado needs to adapt, cuz the 'whole world is watching' and it could go either way. Also, pot doesn't need to be 'concentrated' into oils, dabs, waxes, etc. It's strong enough as it is. Bottom line, no one should go to jail for pot, BUT, there needs to be protection for the idiots, as always. Should be interesting to watch....


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