I've learned some things, in the last 64+ years,

and one of the biggest/most important, is that you really can't control events that surround you, BUT, you can control, (sometimes), your attitude/reaction to them. Is something I work on every day, as I watch 'bullshit politics', from the Pubs, as they say/do 'anything', trying to regain the power they lost, after the US saw what 8 years of 'Repub Reality', looks like. If you like wars, a crashing economy AND your house losing approx 50% of it's value, as GW wrote over $860 BILLION in checks to his Big Money buddies, then you oughta vote the Pubs back into power. If not, then maybe the Dems oughta get a chance to continue the long, slow slog of fixing the mess that the Pubs made the last time they were in power. Who can't see what's so obvious? Oh yeah, the FOX sheep...


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