A perfect example of the 'news'

being passed by/to the sheep.
RE: From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece (NYT - 1/18/17)

FYI, the link below to another recently-unearthed episode of a “fake news” story concocted by a Trump supporter – which (according to this Times article) was eventually viewed by six million Americans.  The gist of this fake news story was that “tens of thousands” of phony ballots marked for Hillary had been uncovered by a ballot worker in an Ohio warehouse – just waiting to be counted as part of a larger ballot-stuffing operation on Hillary’s behalf.


This story was concocted by one, single individual – working with no one else.  It took him only an hour or two to compose and launch it.  And while it was debunked by Ohio election officials within 24 hours (as well as by Snopes.com) – you can be sure that 98% of the six million Americans who eventually saw the original story never saw these retractions.  You have to read this article to grasp just how astoundingly simple this hoax was to create – and how viral nature of “social media” rapidly infected the Body Politic with just this one “fake news” story out of many.

And since the story was pitched to (and spread by) rabid Trump supporters in their own closed social media universe – we can conservatively assume that well over half of the six million Americans who saw this fake news story believed it.

 The 'fake news' story had over 6 MILLION hits, and although it was shown to be false and 'made up', that story ( it fake news) never took off. With the help of Comrades Putin and Comey, FOXLies and many other 'fake' stories, in an election decided by less than 1%, we can understand how we got President Trump, and are now the United States of Stoopid, and e'll all reap what the stoopid have sown.


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