Even the brain-dead rightwingnuts oughta understand

that by destroying the Mexican economy, the Orange Clown is gonna YUUUGELY increase the number of Mexicans needing work, and send them south to make a living. The peso has already lost over 20% of it's value, and as Trump's other punitive actions take effect, (cuz they won't agree to pay for his wall), the migration to the US will only increase. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon, (the brightest of the wingnuts) to see this.
Plus, you have the cost of imports from Mexico, where nearly all of our fresh fruit and veggies come from, this time of year, will dramatically increase, AND we won't have the Mexican field laborers to harvest the crops in the US.
PLUS, you now have the Mexican govt implying they won't be stopping and searching traffic to the US, making it easier for meth and heroin to enter the US market
The dumbshit has been prez for about a week, and he's already REALLY screwing things up, which will hit his ignorant, low income voters right in the pocketbook.
Even an uneducated (his faves) double digit IQ Repub oughta understand something this simple. If they don't they soon will...


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