Just saw a PBS show

as they interviewed Trump voters in rural areas. BY FAR, most of them said Washington is broken, nothing gets done, SO, we need a change.
This is after the Pubs broke govt, by 'Just Say NO!' to everything, and they totally 'gummed up the works', shutting down the govt and fighting every Dem/Obama bill that tried to jump start employment.
This was after the Pubs left a TOTALLY BROKEN economy, from the last time they were in charge.
I can understand the little people wanting 'change', BUT, just look at who screwed things up!
Bottom line, they believed FOX, that is the Repub party's Propaganda Network.
Congrats to Roger AIles, who created the 'disinfornmation network', and convinced the sheep that 'Everything is terrible', when every measurable stat says just the opposite, and taught them to accept lies daily, so Trump's lies are no big deal....


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