We are SO gonna miss,

the elegance and eloquence of Obama, as the White House is turned over to an arrogant, egotistical jerk, who speaks at a 4th grade level, so his minions can understand what he is saying.
Sure, Trump has a few good ideas, BUT, the negatives SO outweigh the positives that it is nothing but scary, for someone who has actually followed this fiasco, as half of his cabinet nominees are either totally unqualified or sworn enemies of the agencies they are supposed to run.

The best way to understand his nominees and statements are by paraphrasing them by imagining Trump saying, 'wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if I':

Nominate a climate change denier to head the EPA?
Nominate someone who's never been to public school, or worked with them, to head them all?
Nominate Rick Perry to head the Energy Dept (HA HA HA)?
Nominate a KKK supporter to be Atty Gen?
Nominate Ben Carson to head HUD? Ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Close/move the White House press room, and limit access?
Chose to believe Putin instead of US Intel?
Refuse to release my tax returns?
Claim that the 'uneducated' are my 'favorites'?
Convince the sheep that Hillary is out to 'take their guns'?
Just watch FOX to get my 'news'?
There was a list of 101 Trump Lies?
But, who are we kidding? The sheep don't care about lies, as long as he has (R) after his name, as he wrecks our country....


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