Just a thought here, as I try to understand...

If a five year old shows up at school, the child of alcoholic, abusive meth addicts, and knows NOTHING, can you hold the kid responsible. NO... it's called being a Product of Your Environment.
It's sorta like those growing up in a hard core rightwingnut enclave, where the newspapers/radio/TVstations are all owned by Clear Channel and FOX, like it is in MOST of the Red States. where FOXNews is on in MacDonalds, bars and schools. No shit. Those who don't travel to Red States have no idea.... Radio is full of preachers, country music, FOXNews and Rush.
Are they stupid, or just naive and gullible? I'm saying All of the Above, but, part of me says I should be more understanding and say 'It's not their fault that they live in an area where the Repub strategy (FOXNews) worked, REAL WELL'.
BTW, they claim the Bible is 'literal' truth, and if you don't believe it, their loving God will make sure you (and especially gays) will burn in a lake of fire, for eternity. Have a nice day, and welcome to the Bible Belt(R), home of the hypocrites who elected the pussy grabber.
 Forgive the fools, Father, for they know nothing else. They are the predictable products of a well controlled, well financed propaganda machine, and they KNOW that Obama really screwed up America, and we need the Pubs back in charge, to SAVE America. (Just forget about 2008).
COngratulations, Roger Ailes. You done gooood.....
Now we all pay the price.


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