I just wonder, as The Donald is coronated,

if he has planted a big, wet kiss on Roger Aile's ass, cuz without Roger, we wouldn't have to endure this abomination.
IF, the Chief Political Strategist (Propaganda Catapulter) of the Republican party hadn't created FOXNews, with a hundred million dollars from the Repub Party, there would be no FOXNews, and no President Trump.
It was a gamble. Who da thunk the sheep could be so easily fooled, by a 'news' organization that is SO blatantly biased that uses LIES to advance their cause? And it can be boiled down to one, simple phrase.
Dems Bad, Pubs Good, Vote Republican.
Drill it into the sheep brains...
And it worked. The sheep don't care about lies and propaganda, in fact, they love it, cuz it reinforces their pre-conceievd beliefs.
Nothing new here, but now we have President Trump, the fruition of Roger Ailes dream, and the product of a 'dumbed down' America, as we enter the abyss.


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