In a quick recap of, 'How the hell did we get here?',

I can't help but think back to the Repub clown car, where the last two standing were Ted Cruz and the Orange Clown, who wasn't even CLOSE to being a real Republican. Nearly the entire 'leadership' of the party of NO! couldn't stand him. BUT, the other choice was OMG!, Ted Cruz, who Donald accused of being the Zodiac killer and claimed his dad had helped kill JFK.
The double digit IQ Repub base swallowed the bullshit, and completely rejected the 15 actual Pubs in the clown car.
Then, with the help of 'bigly' amounts of fake news, two YUUUGE attacks by FBI stooge James Comey, and the on-going drip-drip of Putin-supplied dirty laundry from Hillary and the Dem party, the arrogant, egotistical clown was 'put over the top', by less than one percent, of the truly desperate, in three Rust Belt states.
Oh yeah, and there was that CONSTANT barrage of lies and propaganda from FOXNews, where over half of the low info, low education Bible Belters were convinced the Obama was/is a foreign born Muslim and Hillary's first item of business would be to 'take their guns', thanks to the Roger Ailes 'Strategic Propaganda Network', where the 'clueless' get their 'news'.
SOOO, we have President Trump who is filling his administration(R) with fellow liars(R), internal bombs(R) for nearly all the Cabinets, and his paid mouthpieces (Sean and Kellyanne) regurgitate 'alternate facts' to the sheep, who praise God for the pussy grabbing demon seed that saved their party, by insulting everyone and everything they held dear.
Bottom line, the non-Pub Orange Clown, who won all the primaries against the REAL Republicans, saved their asses.
And now we ALL suffer, for the naive ignorance of the sheep, who actually believe the crap from Bullshit Mountain, and Putin got the man he wanted....


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