Total numbers aren't in yet, BUT,

they're gonna be YUUUUGE!

In thousands of marches, around the world, MILLIONS of women (and a lot of men), are marching in solidarity against the Orange Pig.
Across the USA, (incl over a million in Wash DC/NYC alone), all across Europe and Australia, millions are taking to the streets in a protest movement 'the like of which' the world has never seen.
They've seen and heard what the arrogant, egotistical clown says, and stands for. And they're standing up/marching against him.
Meanwhile, the FOXSheep are whining, 'What's wrong with those people?' 'We didn't do that when Obama won.'
To those sheep I say, 'Get a clue, turn off FOX'PARP and join the 'real' world, where bullies and liars aren't rewarded with the presidency'.
And then I remember who those people are, and I think, 'why waste my time'.......
Not that I'm gonna look, but I wonder what FOXLies is showing, while the 'real' news is showing the YUUUGE anti-Trump rallies all over the world....
I did see one Bullshit Mountain headline, though, that asked, 'Trump's Mandate Under Fire?'
Mandate? Who are these idiots? Oh yeah, the clueless sheep.....
BYW, the inauguration numbers were HALF of what was expected, while the demonstrators were over DOUBLE. Notice anything, sheep?
Wow, marchers even in Kearney, NE, where FOXLies rules. Wow....


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