There are many, sad reasons we will soon have President Trump

but none is as telling as this graphic (at bottom of post). Yup, the most watched 'news', was from FOX/PARP. The Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party, created by the chief Strategist of the Repub Party, Roger Ailes, and actually BELIEVED by millions of gullible, low information Americans.
Yup. the agency that broadcasts nothing but pro-Pub, anti-Dem bullshit was BY FAR the Number One reason we now have an incompetent jerk in the White House, as of tomorrow.
The Bullshit Mountain minions either don't know, or don't care, that their 'news' is totally biased and YUUUGELY fake, cuz they have been brainwashed for SO LONG that reality has taken a backseat to political entertainment, as their low education/Bible Belt Base is the #1 Repub constituency in the country.
Now, we all get to live with their mistake.
Have a Nice Day....
Here are '50 Lies From FOX News', compiled by Jon Stewart, and Fact-Checked by Politifact, a non-partisan fact checker.
No wonder the  morons, sheep who actually believe FOX voted Republican, even when we all saw what the Pubs did last time they were in charge. Remember 2008?


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