Here's a little investment advice,

(worth exactly what you pay for it), from someone who was able to look at the 'real' world, make some investments, and retire at age 58, by recognizing to the 'real' world.
And now I'm gonna give you some free investment advice.
Silver and gold are the easiest. Buy actual coins, American Eagles are good, through Monex, or pre-64 silver US coins, and take delivery.
Not sure of the actual time frame, before it all hits the fan, you may be able to save 10%, by waiting for the low, but is it worth the risk of being shut out? Silver is now under $17/0z and gold is less than $1200. Look back on these prices and dream about what could have been...
Anyone with a functioning brain (sheep excluded) can see that this whole Trump thing, is nothing but a ticking time bomb.
It's not IF, but WHEN it explodes. I'm saying two years MAX, but probably sooner.  It's gonna take a while, cuz the clown was handed a booming economy, after 8 years of Obama and the Dems. The exact OPPOSITE of what Obama inherited, from the Pubs.

And IF, (a big IF), Trump makes the economy really take off, silver is an important manufacturing metal, and a good hedge against inflation, if the Pubs raid the treasury, for YUUUGE spending like they always do. You're welcome.


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