Carol watches, and likes, 'Ellen'

SO, I end up seeing and hearing it too, sometimes, and most of the time I like it too.
Today's show with Katie Couric was intereting, about transexuals and transgenders.
I remembered 8th grade biology, where I learned that all fetuses start out female, and about half turn male, when testosterone is introduced during a critcal part of development.
Some times, for various reasons, this gets screwed up.
I didn't realzie that one of two tousand babies are born 'trans-sexual, or, having the sexual characteristics of BOTH sexes. Nearly all have gender surgery to 'correct' the problem/
Also, depending on who you believe, from 5 to 12% of the population is born gay.
My religious relatives explain it in a different way. Gay people are demon-possessed, and it is a choice (remember when you had to choose?). And they wonder why I don't 'relate' to them, as they swallow FOXLies, believe in a 'literal' Bible and vote straight Repub....


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