It's hard to know where to start

in reviewing Trump's first week. Telling the CIA leaders that 'maybe next time' we could keep Iraq's oil? Lying about inauguration crowd size and 3-5 million illegal voters? Renaming his inauguration 'Patriotic Devotion Day'?
And so it went, each day feeling scarier than the one before, and Trump’s sycophantic aides modeling his own fact-free rants — press secretary Sean Spicer’s falsehood-filled briefing-room tirade, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway’s brazen defense of “alternative facts,” chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon’s brutish admonition to the media to “keep its mouth shut.”
Trump himself outdid his petty obsession with crowd size with his delusional obsession with popular-vote fraud, first behind closed doors with incredulous congressional leaders , then for all the world to watch in his ABC interview. What was once delusional ego-salving now appears headed for official inquiry. 
And this was the FIRST WEEK', OMG, what are we in for????


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