According to weather forecasters,

the heavens WILL be weeping when The Donald officially becomes president.
I do want to watch it live, though, just to see his tiny hand burst into flame when he touches the Bible.
That would get a bunch of us back into church....
PRAVDA says Putin is doing victory laps in Russia, claiming to be the most powerful man in the world after US intel services admit he helped to install the man HE wanted, as prez of the United States. Who knows what secrets he holds, and can threaten Trump any time he wants something like 'sanctions' removed, which will be worth hundreds of billions to the Russians.
PS Donald has already said that is in his plans.
This, after the Pubs bitched SO long and loud over the POSSIBLITY of Hillary's 'private server' being hacked, which it wasn't, as the GOP becomes HRU, Hypocrites R US.


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