In the Pub world of 'alternate facts' and doublespeak,

the Orange Clown said, 'This is a very, very strict ban.' And when asked about it, his paid stooge, Steve Spicer said, 'This is NOT a ban'.
Same old shit from the same bad actors, as those who actually KNOW, say Trump's edict is unconstitutional and illegal, BUT, another of his stooges is taking the place of the former Atty Gen, who was told by Beauregard Jefferson Sessions, 'Sometimes you have to say NO to the president when you know he's wrong, Would you do that?' And she said yes, which got her fired by El Presidente, the tin pot dictator wannabe....

Yahoo, Trump set a record for having a 'majority' of Americans against him, according to Gallup. It takes most Repub presidents over a year...


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