The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

is exactly what it sounds like it is. A govt agency designed to protect consumers against fraudulent claims and practices. Obvious, Big Business, and the Repubs want the agency gutted, in the same way they tried to gut the Govt Ethics Committee. And they will probably get their way, cuz Trump and the Pubs are now in control.
NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Under Cordray’s leadership, the CFPB has returned $12 billion to 27 million people caught up in various scams, passed pro-consumer rules on issues like mortgage disclosure, proposed a mandatory arbitration rule that is being finalized, and hit banks for conning customers into paying for expensive add-on products that don’t do much. The agency was central in exposing the large-scale checking and credit card fraud at Wells Fargo.
Now the CFPB is in danger of being gutted by the same people it was designed to protect us against. Don't you just love them Republicans? Neither do I...


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