FOX and the Pubs (one and the same)

are always bitchin about Obama and the Dems 'spending too much', BUT, when cuts are suggested from the most obvious source, the military, who sucks up a hugely disproportional amount of the GDP, and is larger than the next TWELVE nations' militaries, COMBINED, the clowns act like we're all of a sudden gonna be 'defenseless'. The Pubs, who've never met an invasion they didn't love, continue to support the building of tanks, ships and aircraft that roll off the production line and immediately go to 'boneyards' of surplus military equipment, BUT, the Pubs home districts need the 'pork'. Typical Repub bullshit, as they scream about 'financial responsibility', but scream even louder when they lose their 'pet pork barrel projects'. Nothing new here, from the people who brought us the 12 year 'Oops, No WMD's War, that took the Bush family oil from under $15/barrel to $147, while enriching Cheney's Halliburton to 'off the chart' stock levels. If it were up to the 'FOX Hawks', we'd still have a HUGE presence in Iraq and Afg, as well as forces in Syria and Egypt, with plans to attack Iran and Somalia, while sending troops to Ukraine, and since we don't, Obama is a pussy. Same old crap, from the same old crowd...


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