VERY interesting charts,

that show the difference difference between the two political parties. The Pubs lead in old, white, southern, male, lower educated, religious voters. The Dems lead in all other demographics, and are increasing their lead among the young, educated, non-white, female, non-southern, high earners, AND, the fastest growing segment, which is moderate and unaffiliated.

Great charts, that show what I've been preaching for years.

The lowest income, votes Dem, BUT, that's only 4% of the population. However, the highest earners,(educated people), who make $75,000 to over $200,000, are also primarily Dems.
The main problem? The Pubs can turn out their base, when it comes time to vote, though it's smaller and shrinking, AND, they control the Supreme Court, which makes laws like Citizens United, (corporations are people) that allow them to Buy the Vote, from the low-information (FOX crowd)  voter.  And, they've succcessfully 'Gerrymandered' districts so they can win, with a minority of voters (2000, 2004). The good news? Pubs are on the wrong side of all the groups that are 'growing'.
Map above shows red/blue states in relation to population, and shows how the (low education/low income) South dominates the Pub party


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