The new numbers are in today,

and there's very little change. Obesity, vs fitness, is a combination of people not knowing, and/or not caring about nutrition, exercise, etc, and is a good barometer of their general education and overall attitudes. Again, those numbers show nearly a 100% correlation between Fit=Blue State and Obese=Red State, just as a nearly 100% correlation of lowest income/education=Red State, highest income/education=Blue State. These numbers aren't random and show which states (Blue) PAY the bills and which states (Red) wallow in the benefits. The Pubs love to say just the opposite, BUT, all the facts show it just isn't true. Some things never change as the sheep exist in their fact-resistant bubbles and bitch about paying for the welfare state. Actual statistics show just the opposite. Just visit Washington, Oregon and California before your trip to Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas and see if you notice any difference in the 'quality of life' (and welfare recipients) between the Dem and Repub strongholds, where education makes a HUGE difference. As always, the higher the education, the higher the probability of being a Democrat. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but NOT their own facts. Facts don't lie, FOX does, and their Honey Boo Boo constituents lap it up.


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