One of my favorite people,

Jon Stewart took on the FOXHoles again and played their own words and videos against them. The clowns at FOX went on and on about the HUGE $3 billion in waste and fraud in Food Stamps, and made a big deal that 99% of recipients were well off enough to own refrigerators, like that is some kind of luxury. Stewart then played a clip of the same FOX clown, when fighting against the Dems who wanted to cut some govt waste by cutting back on taxpayer assistance and subsidies to very profitable oil companies, said, 'That $4 billion is a pittance'. Wow. Feeding hungry kids is a waste, BUT, shoveling money to oil companies is FINE with the jerks at FOX. Then Jon showed the FOXHoles defending GE and several other corporations who paid ZERO in taxes, cuz it's legal (after their lobbyists helped write the tax law loopholes). As if we needed any more proof of who owns the Bozos on Bullshit Mountain.


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