In the nether world of fantasy,

where Bigfoot rides a unicorn to find a Leprchaun's pot of gold, the Pubs have an alternative to Obamacare. Like Bigfoot and unicorns (who obviously missed 'last call' from Noah), no one's ever seen the Repub version of Affordable Health Care, BUT, they promise us it's out there and it's MUCH better than the actual plan (flawed though it may be) that the Dems have tried to put into effect, with great personal and 'political party' peril. Much like a Repub 2012 prez candidate, the Pubs love it, UNTIL confronted with the reality of providing 'specifics'. They'd MUCH rather just snipe at, and try to wreck the efforts of those who offer an ACTUAL plan, rather than working with them to fix the inevitable problems, inherent in such a HUGE undertaking. Big Medicine is Big Business, and all Pubs know NOTHING trumps that, including regulations of any type, worker's rights, clean air and water, etc and anything to the contrary is blasphemy. Nothing new here, as the Party of NO!, bitches about the current plan for affordable health care while offering NOTHING but promises of some 'future' plan that's gonna be REALLY good. What a bunch of hypocrites...


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