I WAS gonna point out

the D-bags at FOX claim Rutgers is 'racist' for not wanting Condi Rice to speak, while most of us realize it's because she supported the Bush/Cheney lies to start the war in Iraq, then agreed with their policies on TORTURE. Or maybe I was gonna make fun of Sean Hannity (King of the D-bags) who criticized Michelle Obama cuz she admitted there was a time she 'wasn't proud' of her country, but now, Sean claims he's 'humiliated by his country', (hey, didn't he promise to LEAVE his country?). And then there's FOX's constant swooning over a shirtless Putin, saying what a great leader he is, as he outmaneuvers a 'mom-pants wearing' Obama, who caused the Ukraine invasion cuz he didn't attack anyone after Benghazi (Yup, they still have daily Benghazi updates). But I won't, cuz I don't want the right-wing-nuts to think I'm obsessed with the swill they shovel to the sheep, BUT, I admit I did take a peak at the propaganda that flows from Bullshit Mountain, to the delight of the sheep, who say, 'Amen', while I continually think, 'Who could actually swallow this crap?'


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