In the 'Theater of the Absurd',

that typifies Repub politics, Cong Darrel Issa(R), pursued his witch hunt after IRS officials (who did their job and found Pubs breaking the law) during a Congressional hearing, where his main target, on the advice of her attorney refused to answer his inflammatory questions, by 'taking the 5th'. BUT, when others (D) tried to respond and ask their own questions, Issa abruptly shut down the meeting, so ONLY his questions and remarks could be heard. In essence, he 'took the 5th' after bitching cuz his target, 'took the 5th'. In the world of Repub politics, where the Ted's (Cruz and Nugent) are heroes, and they took the FIFTIETH vote today, to defund Obamacare, this kind of crap has become the norm. Still stinks, but it's just 'how they roll'.


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