Here in Colorado,

Channel 9 'Truth Tests' political ads. As I've been posting, because we are considered a swing state, we've been deluged by TV ads, financed by the Koch bros, who were cleared to spend unlimited, secret money to 'Buy' votes, by the Repub Supreme Court. The 'Truth Test' goes through the TV ad, line by line, rating each line as either 'Lie', 'Opinion',  or 'Truth'. Not one line was rated 'Truth', and most were 'Lie', which is typical of the Pubs and the Koch bros, BUT, if you just saw the ad and believed it, you'd definitely vote for Repub Gardner vs, Dem Udall, which is their plan. Don't believe it? Check it out here,
Same old shit from the GOP, as they go 'all out' this year to buy the Senate. I get SO sick of their crap, as they try to put the same lies on network TV that the sheep swallow on FOXNews. Nice try...


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