I don't understand

why the Bozos on Bullshit Mountain are so upset about Crimea returning to Russia. Crimea was part of Ukraine, which only became a nation in 1991. Before that it was part the USSR, or Russia. Since then, the corrupt dictator who led Crimea sucked billions out of the country to finance his luxurious lifestyle at the expense of the people, who (nearly unanimously) want to return to Russia. They are Russian speaking with a Russian history, BUT, the chickenhawks at FOX are making a huge stink that Obama oughta get the US entangled in another overseas conflict. It's what they love to do. Screw 'em. We don't need to be the world's cop, exporting bombs and bullets and 'boots on the ground', like Bush/Cheney did in Afg and Iraq. It doesn't concern us, although the 'defense' contractors, good buddies of the FOXHoles, are always looking for more business. PS, FOXHole is a word I coined, to denote the 'assholes at FOX'. I like it....


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