are kinda hurtin' today, but nothing that a few Advil won't take care of. After 18 holes on Friday, concert/dance Friday night, and waiting in line for hours, then walking miles at the Colorado Cannabis Cup, I'm moving kinda slow today, but time to hide Easter eggs, as part the family together, so I'm up and at 'em. The CCC was interesting and kinda scary at the same time. I was expecting a BUNCH of people, but not THAT many, from all over the country. All ages, but mostly young, mostly male, but lots of ladies, all colors, but mostly white and all with one thing in common. Curiosity about the Brave New World in Colorado. Saw absolutely no problems, once they got the lines (and they were long and many) into some kinda of order. The 40,000 tickets sold out long ago and there were many hundred vendors' booths, exhibits and all sorts of growing supplies, pipes, vape-pens, concentrators, people sharing, clothing booths, political booths, free Cheetos and Goldfish an...