The 'real' news outlets, (not FOX),

reported that the US deficit continued it's decrease, as it has every year since Obama took office, going from over a trillion, that he inherited from Bush, to about $468 billion this year, while all the economic indicators have gone steadily up, including employment numbers. The deficit and economy obviously aren't totally 'fixed', (after they were totally f***ed) by GW(R), BUT, we are on a steady track, while Europe, who went the 'austerity' route, is struggling. Again, as with 'INFLATION!', being screamed by the rightwingers, the Pubs have been proven wrong. Do they admit it? OF course not, they just ignore it. Nothing new here, as the Koch bros plan to spend about $900 million (so far), to buy the next election, as the Pubs' plan to let Big Money control America nears fruition. Who can't see this? Oh yeah, the sheep.
PS. FOX did come out with a deficit headline, today.  'Deficit To Go Up', in their contiued effort to be 'Anti-Obama/Dem, All the Time', but, when you read past the headline, it refers to 2018, when the baby boomers really come online. Same old shit, from FOX.


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