This morning's Denver Post

Had another good piece by Rick Tosches, who always makes me laugh, while getting out a good message. He starts out with,

Two gay men are walking down the street, holding hands, when a stunning woman strolls by. One of the gentlemen turns his head to gawk, looks her up and down as she passes and says to his partner, "You know, it's times like this I wish I was a lesbian." I was thinking of that joke — told to me by a lesbian — a few weeks back when my toes were digging into the warm white sand of a Florida beach alongside my wife, Doug.
Rick, (whose wife is actually named Susie), then tells how a Denver 'pastor', Ray Chavez, refused to have a funeral for a woman when he found out she was gay, and continues with,
Chavez is the chief money-grabber at a church of some kind in Lakewood. (It's called New Life Ministries, apparently because Our Lady of Ignorance and Hatred wouldn't fit on the sign.) Its website says the so-called church "is a place where those bound by drugs, alcohol, gangs and violence can find an 'Ounce of Hope.' "
You'll have to look for another church if you're trying to find an ounce of intelligence.

You can read the rest of it here,, if you want an eye-opening laugh or two. I can relate to writers like Rick, cuz I've always known that any 'religion', and those who support it, that is obviously SO ignorant about gays, can't be trusted with more important matters in life.


Fam Guy said…
Who are you and how you infiltrate my blog? Steve, aka Aunty FOX.

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