According to the clowns at FOX

the 'media' is against The Donald, (Hmmm, I wonder why?), BUT, if he takes the Bullshit Mountain advice (see below) he can WIN! Look at the advice they(R) have for him.
It’s not over, but time runs short. Here is what you have to do:
1) Stay on message. Talk ONLY about law and order, job creation, illegal immigration and ISIS. That’s it. All other topics are off the table.
2) Get data points on each topic and know your facts.

Oh really? What the hell does he know about 'Law and Order', and how to achieve it? What does he know about jobs, other than to steal them, declaring bankruptcy? Illegal immigration? ARE YOU KIDDING? The Pubs wouldn't even bring an Immigration Bill to a vote in the House, after a bi-partisan Senate approved it. Immigration? Shut the F**k Up!
 ISIS? You know MORE Than the generals? Who believes that crap? Oh yeah, the sheep. What a joke.
Data points and facts? That is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Donald Trump and FACTS? You gotta be kidding...
Yup Pubs, your boy can WIN! Put your money on him, and Kiss It Good-bye. What a joke....


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