The clowns at the Fair and Balanced network,

who have NEVER shown ANY favoritism (choke, cough, gag), are bitchin' cuz the mainstream media, called that for a reason, are showing signs of favoritism, in the upcoming election.
What? They are favoring a former First Lady, two-term Senator from New York, former Sec of State over a reality show huckster who has no grasp on reality, as his own party deserts him in droves?
Who could imagine such a thing? Wow, at least we have the Fair and Balanced 'news' from Bullshit Mountain, to give us an 'unbiased' view.
FOX/PARP and the Pubs.... What a joke, as the rest of the world laughs at the sheep, and they 'just don't get it', while their boy comes into the Repub party 'like a wrecking ball', enjoying every second of attention. Who'd a thunk Ted Cruz would be 'the smart one'? Thanks again Donald, my new hero, as the clueless rightwingnuts make SURE their party is 'going down', like a wall in front of a wrecking ball. The Donald=My new hero!


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